Australian Strategic Directions 2013 - 2018

The CRC’s audacious faith goal is to have a ministry presence in every nation of the world by 2045, our centenary as a movement.

These Strategic Directions have been prayerfully and purposefully framed to help us collectively work together as a family of churches and ministers to fulfil the dream that Jesus has for us.


I have a dream for the CRC Churches International… that we will be Bible-based, Christ-centred and contemporary Churches; grace-filled communities where people of all races and ages, fully devote themselves to following Jesus Christ.

It’s a dream we all share …

…a dream of being truly authentic New Testament churches;

…a people who fervently love Jesus, who genuinely love each other, and who passionately love the un-reached of our world;

…a people who influence our world for good, by living Christ-like lives wherever we are and whatever we do.

Imagine our movement …

…hundreds of thousands of on-fire disciples, who energetically embrace Jesus’ Great Commandment, worshipping God with full abandon and selflessly ministering to humanity’s deepest needs.

Imagine this united army …

…wholeheartedly committed to obeying the Great Commission; constantly reaching out to spiritually lost people with the miracle-working Gospel of Jesus Christ;

…local bodies of believers who know deep down that the church has been entrusted with Christ’s life-changing message. Jesus’ Church really is the only hope for our world.

Imagine the results …

I see many thousands of men and women, young and old, being taught, trained and mentored to fulfil Jesus’ leadership call on their lives. What an awesome vision! Thousands of leaders being powerfully equipped and led by the Holy Spirit, to go throughout Australia and the nations, changing worlds.

I see CRC Ministers, Missionaries and Church Planters birthing new churches, establishing new people-helping ministries and developing new humanitarian ventures…

…ordinary people, empowered by the Holy Spirit to accomplish extraordinary things in Christ’s Name.

I see millions of people in heaven, welcoming us into the very presence of the Father. Can you hear them cheering wildly at our homecoming?

All because we allowed Jesus to soften our hearts and expand our vision to match His very own.

…world Christians who prayed, gave and went; creating churhces…changing worlds.

This is not just my dream! This is God’s heart for the CRC. And it really is possible! As we prayerfully unite and purposefully work together, uplifting Christ’s Name and doing Christ’s will here on earth, Jesus promises us,
“I will build my church and all the powers of hell will not conquer it.” (Matt 16:18 NLT). O Lord, build your church and let this dream become reality!

Pastor Bill Vasilakis,
Australian Chairman

Our vision and mission

Our vision is to help expand the Kingdom of Jesus Christ on earth by creating Bible-based, contemporary local churches and ministries.

Our mission is to exalt Jesus Christ in all that we think, say and do, and to extend His influence throughout the world.


Proclaiming Christ’s Gospel with the expectation that supernatural signs will follow as the normal New Testament pattern
(Mark 16:15-20)

Planting Christ-centred churches that are autonomous, interdependent and self-propagating
(Acts 14:21-28)

Promoting Christ-glorifying Christian communities which outwork the miraculous and character transforming ministry of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:42-47)

Producing Christ-following disciples who seek to obey the Great Commandment and Great Commission
(Matt 22:36-40; 28:18-20)

Connecting Ministers

They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer
Acts 2:42

  1. Develop a regional model for meaningful connections with ministers and leaders within our State and National Council structures
  2. Each State to celebrate milestones and profile emerging leaders and ministries within the broader State fellowship
  3. Reach out to pastors and churches not connected to a denominational family who are looking for fellowship and support

Spirit-Empowered Evangelism

Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied it
Mark 16:20

  1. Work together to develop an increasing passion for reaching lost people
  2. Emphasise baptism in the Holy Spirit and the miraculous gifts of the Spirit in our outreach focus
  3. Promote & develop training tools that intentionally release the evangelistic power of the people in our churches
  4. Identify and release our gifted evangelists for maximum impact
  5. Take advantage of social and local opportunities for affecting spiritual change in our communities

Developing Churches

So the churches were strengthened in the faith and grew daily in numbers.
Acts 16:5

  1. Intentionally facilitate the leadership health & growth of our churches
  2. Resource and empower our Senior Ministers to lead for church growth
  3. Support the organisational health of our churches, assisting them in complying with relevant Federal and State laws and help them better align with CRC governance policies and procedures

Reaching Nations

He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation
Mark 16:15

  1. Promote and provide training for local church mission awareness and equip people for short or long term mission trips
  2. Encourage and facilitate pastors, leaders and teams to visit our existing nations
  3. Increase the effectiveness of the Adopt a Nation vision
  4. Encourage pioneering initiatives to open new nations to achieve our 2045 Mission

Training People

Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth
2 Timothy 2:15

  1. Grow the capacity of leaders to produce leaders
  2. Grow the leadership skills of those in ministry
  3. Grow the size and scope of the CRC College of Ministry
  4. Grow the number of CRC Trainee Ministers

Reproducing Churches

Our hope is that, as your faith continues to grow, our area of activity among you will greatly expand, so that we can preach the gospel in the regions beyond you…
2 Corinthians 10:15-16

  1. Prioritise Church Planters Toolshed events
  2. Facilitate connections between potential church planters
  3. Encourage churches to partner together to plant new churches

Shaping Generations - Youth

Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.
1 Timothy 4:12

  1. Train and practically resource youth leaders across our movement
  2. Facilitate Youth Events that equip, inspire and mobilise CRC youth
  3. Intensify our focus on ministry to young adults and young adults leaders
  4. Modernise and streamline communications for CRC youth

Shaping Generations - Children

And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me.
Matthew 18:5

  1. Establish and grow a network to connect CRC Kids Leaders
  2. Encourage kids events that equip and inspire our children to become fully devoted followers of Christ
  3. Provide quality training that will equip and inspire our Kids Leaders to reach their full leadership potential

Christian Education

A Christian school views everything from the perspective of Jesus Christ and His Word in order to prepare children and teenagers to go into the world and live out and share the good news, bringing peace and hope to their families, communities and societies.

Revival College

Will you answer the call?

Revival College Website

CRC Missions

Make disciples of all nations

CRC Missions Website