1945: Leo Harris founds the National Revival Crusade with the first service 4th November 1945 in Adelaide.
1952: Name changes to Commonwealth Revival Crusade.
1958: First major evangelistic campaign; eleven days and 455 altar calls
1958: New constitution is ratified
1963: Name changed to Christian Revival Crusade.
1977: Leo Harris passes away, at this time there is 64 churches in Australia, 8 in New Zealand, 1 in Papua New Guinea, and others in Asia and the Pacific.
1979: Barry Chant opens the Tabor Bible College.
1984: There are now 84 assemblies and about 8000 adherents.
1989: National Chairman Mike Cronin releases five year vision "Into the 90s"
1995: State and National Executives meet and release another 5-year plan.
1998: Name is changed to CRC Churches International.
2002: Bill Vasilakis takes over as National Chairman.
2005: Release of 2045 World Vision Goal "a ministry presense in every country of the world by our centenary, 2045"
2018: Release of 2045 Australian Vision Goal "500 Australian churches by our centenary, 2045"
2020: 75th Anniversary of the CRC to be celebrated in Adelaide, Australia