Scholarship program

Scholarship Program LogoScholarship was set up in 2016, to administer funds to be made available to CRC Churches International pastors and leaders within South Australia, Western Australia and the Northern Territory to assist them to gain knowledge or skills to further their ability to outwork their ministry within the CRC.

The aim of the scholarship is to provide an opportunity for eligible CRC pastors and leaders serving in churches and other organisations associated with the CRC to be able to undertake study and projects that further their knowledge of scriptures, church operation, missions or other associated religious endeavours. No prescribed qualifications are required and the study or project is not limited but must show a benefit to the ongoing work of the church or the CRC.

Previous scholarships

2017 – Nathan Bettcher (Worship U Conference, Redding California, Theology and Worship Conference, London UK, Congregational Music Conference, Oxford UK, Church Visits in the UK)

2017 – Kevin Hodges (Church of the Highlands)

2016 – Sarah Wilson (Israel)

More information

For more information or if you have any questions contact:

David Washington

0430 807 675

PO Box 1818

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